
I have started this blog because there is so much in life to appreciate…there is so much goodness, love and abundance that exists in our world and I hope to share some of this with you. I also invite you to share your positivity with me so that together we can create ABUNDANT ENERGY!


The Inspiration For This Blog & For My Work

Inspiration for this Blog Just one of many profound quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer
One of many profound quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer

I started reading “Wishes Fulfilled – Mastering the Art of Manifesting” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer in June 2015. This book was a true revelation to me and this person, author and “larger than life” being, became my (and later my husbands’) inspiration to live and experience an abundant life.
I knew little about affirmations and even lesser about manifesting before I began this book. It has had such a valuable and enlightening impact in my life.
I would like to dedicate the initiation of this blog to Dr. Dyer. I hope to be reminded for his messages and spirituality each time a share something in this Divine Space. I hope to live a life with the Truth & Universal Light that Dr. Dyer wished for us all. Thank you Dr. Wayne Dyer.


Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. Picture courtesy of worshipandliturgysustm.com

I first read about this prayer in the “Wished Fulfilled” book and was captivated by its words. I have chosen this beautiful prayer from Saint Francis of Assisi as my guidance through this blogging journey and to help me focus on my purpose while I am on this Earth. This prayer together with my faith and spirituality keeps me inspired and directed to lead a meaningful, purposeful life.